Thursday, May 05, 2011


Globalization has a very extensive effect on roughly every globe of life. In the query of financial progress and enlargement it is even more being in this era of globalization. country takes the gains of globalization and tries to get better her economy. Friedman’s idea of golden straitjacket can work as a good start top in this shrewd try with special stress on the pertinent four issues discussed in this document. As I find thru my study, Bangladesh’s potentials to financial globalization is highly talented. I consider that the 
advice made in this paper if implemented well will take Bangladesh to a tip of continued economic enlargement and growth Globalization in the broadest intelligence implies addition of economies and societies crossways the globe through the flow of technology, trade and assets. It essentially refers to a procedure that enables people, goods, in order, norms, practices and institutions to exceed national jurisdictions during markets, technologies, well being and information flows. Four types of changes typify globalization. First, it involves a stretching of social, following and economic performance across frontiers, regions and continents. Second, it is marked by the growing size of interconnectedness and flows of deal, asset, money, relocation, society, etc. Third, it can be connected to a speeding up of global connections and processes. And fourth, the property of remote proceedings can be very major away and exact local progress can have substantial global penalty. Thus the limits flanked by home stuffs and global matters become ever more fluid. Globalization, in short, can be consideration of as the widening, intensifying and growing crash of worldwide interconnectedness. It causes a growth in the volume and diversity of cross border dealings in goods and military.

Good Governance

  Dhaka Time

Dhaka Time

Politics should be full in normative, creative and difficulty solving terms. There is a need to repair the rules and processes by which the government conducts its policy and choice making functions. Government will have to uphold an honest, efficient, committed and professional public service, which enhances the accountability and responsiveness of public agencies to citizens. Along with liberalization, government should uphold a certain balance between overseas investment and state regulation to maintain its influence for national capability building6 To minimize corruption, transparency in public bodies and political  parties is essential. Separation of the judges from the managerial arm of government is totally necessary to sustain the rule of law. All of the information is truth. 

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Create Money 1 Line


Globalization in the broadest brains implies addition of economies and society cross ways the globe through the flow of skill, trade and assets. It on the whole refers to a procedure that enables people, goods, information, norms, practices and institutions to transcend national jurisdictions through markets, technologies, interests and in order flows. Four types of changes typify globalization.
First, it involves a stretching of social, political and economic behavior crossways frontiers, regions and continents. Second, it is marked by the rising scale of interconnectedness and flows of deal, asset, money, migration, culture, etc. Third, it can be related to a speeding up of global connections and processes. And fourth, the belongings of remote proceedings can be highly major away and exact local developments can have substantial global penalty. Thus the limits between household matters and global relationships become ever more liquid. Globalization, in short, can be idea of as the widening, increasing and rising crash of universal interconnectedness. It causes a growth in the volume and diversity of angry limit contact in goods and armed forces.
Globalization is a long-term procedure of change. It has financial, following and educational size, all of which can have a social crash. The diverse extent of the process are unified and equally reinforcing. There are, certainly, major possible payback of globalization. Openness to overseas straight asset can give to enlargement by inspiring domestic asset, improving competence and output, or by raising the knowledge practical to making. Increased entrée to the family financial scheme by distant banks may lift the competence of the banking process so lowering the cost of asset and raise enlargement rates. Trade honesty may make easy the gaining of new inputs, less posh or higher-quality middle goods and bettered technologies that improve the overall efficiency of the economy.
Conversely, the procedure of globalization entails important risks and potentially large financial and social challenges, particularly to the developing countries. Openness to global assets markets has brought better instability in family financial markets, chiefly in country whose financial systems were weak to start with and whose economic policies lacked credibility. Similarly trade liberalization has led in some countries to reduced insist for unskilled labor, lower real wages, job wounded and income declines which have often resulted in higher scarcity rates. As a result, there have been growing concerns about the unenthusiastic effects of globalization, and an ever more polarized debate on the plight of the world’s poorest.
It is very clear that the fact of globalization has come to wait. In fact, globalization has been described as a fast moving teach that waits for no one.1 Intended passengers also jump onto it or risk of being left after. Like every journey, every traveler must be ready to board at the right position, with the essential kits and with a clear information or dream of his purpose. There are understandable indications that Bangladesh is ill ready to start this trip and manage with the growths. Apart from the fact that most mounting countries lack the basic communications to board on industrialization drives, the incapacity to make sound economic policies, randomness of changes in laws and enveloping dishonesty are serious obstacles to progress. Therefore, one of the most challenges faced by Bangladesh in this century is how to reinforce its contribution in the global economy in a way that will bring prevalent and sustainable payback to its people.


Extent of the Silk Road and Spice trade routes infertile by the Ottoman Empire in 1453 spurring exploration.
The chronological origin of globalization is the topic of on-going discuss. Though some scholars situate the origins of globalization in the current era, others stare it as a occurrence with a Lon. 

Maybe the greatest advocate of a deep past origin for globalization was Andre Gander Frank, an economist linked with addiction theory. Frank argued that a form of globalization has been in survival since the rise of deal links amid Sumer and the Indus Valley Civilization in the third millennium B.C. Critics of this idea point out that it rests upon an over-broad meaning of globalization.
An early form of globalized finances and society existed during the Hellenistic Age, when commercialized urban centers were alert around the alliance of Greek society over a wide choice that prolonged from India to Spain, with such cities as Alexandria, Athens, and Antioch at its center. Trade was widespread during that era, and it is the first time the idea of a international culture (from Greek "Cassopolis", meaning "world city") emerged. Others have apparent an early form of globalization in the trade links between the Roman Empire, the Parthian Empire, and the Han Dynasty. The rising expression of profitable links between these powers enthused the development of the Silk Road, which ongoing in western China, reached the boundaries of the Parthian territory, and continued onwards towards Rome.[16] With 300 Greek ships a year sailing between the Greco-Roman world and India, the annual trade may have reached 300,000 tons.


Looking especially at economic globalization demonstrates that it can be measured in dissimilar ways. This center around the four main economic flows that characterize globalization:
  • Goods and services, e.g., exports plus imports as a amount of national income or per capital of inhabitants
  • Labor/people, e.g., net migration rates; inward or outward migration flows, weighted by inhabitants
  • Capital, e.g., inward or outward direct asset as a amount of national income or per head of inhabitants
  • Technology, e.g., global research & growth flows; part of populations (and rates of change thereof) using exacting inventions (especially 'factor-neutral' technological advances such as the telephone, motorcar, broadband)

As globalization is not only an economic occurrence, a multivariate loom to measuring globalization is the fresh index intended by the Swiss think tank KOF. The index measures the three main dimensions of globalization: economic, social, and following. In adding to three indices measuring this size, an in general index of globalization and sub-indices referring to real economic flows, financial restrictions, and data on personal call, data on information flows, and data on educational nearness is intended. Data is obtainable on a yearly basis for 122 countries, as full in Dresher, Gaston and Martens (2008). According to the directory, the world's most globalized country is Belgium, followed by Austria, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. The least globalized countries according to the KOF-index are Haiti, Myanmar, the Central African Republic and Burundi. A.T. Kearney and Foreign Policy periodical jointly publish one more Globalization Index. According to the 2006 index, Singapore, Ireland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Canada and Denmark are the most globalized, while Indonesia, India and Iran are the least globalized amid countries scheduled




See also: Alter-globalization, Participatory economics, and Global Justice Movement  Globalization has been one of the most hotly debated topics in international finances over the past few years. Globalization has also generated important international resistance over concerns that it has increased disparity and environmental degradation. In the Midwestern United States, globalization has eaten away at its spirited edge in business and agriculture, lowering the quality of life in locations that lack the occasion to adapt to the change

A macula in Mexico from its own soil, large corporations see an opportunity to take advantage of the "export It can be said that globalization is the door that opens up an otherwise resource-poor country to  the international
market. Where a country has little material or physical product harvested or mined economic globalization are recorded as being the expansion of businesses and company growth, in many poorer nations globalization is really the result of the overseas businesses investing in the country to take benefit of the lower wage rate: even though investing, by increasing the Capital Stock of the country, increases their wage rate. poverty" of such a nation. Where the majority of the earliest occurrences of

The world today is so interconnected that the fall down of the subprime mortgage market in the U.S. has led to a global financial crisis and recession on a level not seen since the Great Depression. Government deregulation and failed regulation of Wall Street's investment banks were significant contributors to the subprime mortgage crisis.
A flood of customer goods such as televisions, radios, bicycles, and textiles into the United States, Europe, and Japan has helped petroleum the financial development of Asian tiger economies in fresh decades. However, Chinese textile and clothing exports have recently encountered criticism from Europe, the United States and some African countries. In South Africa, some 300,000 textile workers have lost their jobs due to the arrival of Chinese goods. The increasing U.S. trade deficit with China has cost 2.4 million American jobs between 2001 and 2008, according to a study by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI).[ A total of 3.2 million – one in six U.S. factory jobs – have disappeared between 2000 and 2007.
Opportunities in wealthier countries drive flair away from poorer countries, leading to brain drains. Brain use up has cost the African continent over $4.1 billion in the employment of 150,000 expatriate professionals annually. Indian students going abroad for their higher studies costs India a foreign exchange outflow of $10 billion annually Burning forest in Brazil.

The elimination of forest to make way for cattle ranching was the leading reason of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon from the mid 1960s. Recently, soybeans have become one of the most important contributors to deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.
The World watch Institute said the booming economies of China and India are planetary powers that are shaping the global biosphere. In 2007, China overtook the United States as the world's biggest producer of CO2. At present rates, tropical rainforests in Indonesia would be logged out in 10 years, Papua New Guinea in 13 to 16 years. A main basis of deforestation is the logging industry, driven spectacularly by China and Japan. Thriving economies such as China and India are quickly becoming large oil consumers. China has seen oil consumption grow by 8% yearly since 2002, doubling from 1996–2006. Crude oil prices in the last several years have steadily risen from about $25 a barrel in August 2003 to over $140 a barrel in July 2008. State of the World 2006 report said the two countries' high economic growth hid a reality of severe pollution. The report states:
The world's environmental ability is simply inadequate to please the ambitions of China, India, and Japan, Europe and the United States as well as the aspirations of the rest of the world in a sustainable way
Without more recycling, zinc could be used up by 2037, both indium and hafnium could run out by 2017, and terbium could be gone before 2012. It is said that if China and India were to consume as much resources per capita as United States or Japan in 2030 jointly they would require a full world Earth to meet their needs. In the long-term these property can lead to augmented clash over dwindling capital and in the nastiest case a Malthusian catastrophe.
Food security
The head of the International Food Policy Research Institute, stated in 2008 that the gradual change in diet among newly wealthy populations is the most significant factor foundation the rise in global food prices. From 1950 to 1984, as the Green Revolution transformed agriculture around the world, grain production increased by over 250%. The world population has grown by about 4 billion since the beginning of the Green Revolution and most consider that, without the Revolution, there would be better famine and malnutrition than the UN currently documents (approximately 850 million people suffering from chronic malnutrition in 2005).
It is becoming increasingly difficult to continue food security in a world beset by a meeting of "peak" phenomena, namely peak oil, peak water, peak phosphorus, peak grain and peak fish. Growing populations, falling energy sources and food shortages will create the "perfect storm" by 2030, according to the UK government chief scientist. He said food reserves are at a 50-year low but the world requires 50% more energy, food and water by 2030. The world will have to produce 70% more food by 2050 to feed a predictable extra 2.3 billion people and as incomes rise, the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned. Social scientists have warned of the possibility that global civilization is due for a period of contraction and economic re-localization, due to the decline in fossil fuels and resulting crisis in transportation and food production. One paper even suggested that the future might even bring about a restoration of sustainable local economic activities based on hunting and gathering, shifting horticulture, and pastoralist
Globalization, the flow of information, goods, capital and people across political and geographic boundaries, has also helped to spread some of the deadliest infectious diseases known to humans. Starting in Asia, the Black Death killed at least one-third of Europe's population in the 14th century.] Even worse devastation was inflicted on the American super continent by Europe. For instance 90% of the populations of the civilizations of the "New World" such as the Aztec, Maya, and Inca were killed by small pox brought by European colonization. Modern modes of transportation allow more people and products to travel around the world at a faster pace, they also open the airways to the transcontinental movement of infectious disease vectors. One example of this occurring is AIDS/HIV. Approximately 1.1 million persons are living with HIV/AIDS in the United States, and AIDS remains the leading cause of death among African American women between ages 25 and 34. Due to immigration, approximately 500,000 people in the United States are believed to be infected with Chagas disease. In 2006, the tuberculosis (TB) rate among foreign-born persons in the United States was 9.5 times that of U.S.-born persons.

Problem Statement

In today’s post-Cold War world, safety covers many areas to comprise: religious-cultural, socio-economic, and politico-military concerns. Some of the optimistic aspects of the post-Cold War world are the greater than before economic addition of free markets, technologies, and even countries (as in the European Union). Some unenthusiastic aspects comprise the idea that the security surroundings is lasting an “unbalanced peace” and a sure amount of chaos exists caused by a countless of following instabilities and folks looking for to cause more deterioration.
Continuing global economic addition is incompatible with global following aggression. General causes of instabilities be apt to be browbeaten by bad guys such as scoundrel states, insurgents, terrorists, political actors, drug traffickers, organized crime syndicates, militant fundamentalists, and many others with a reason and will to inflict their self-determined needs to alter a society, nation-state, or other apparent basis of power, in an image that fits their philosophy.
To make sure their continued existence nation-states like Bangladesh have to wield their authority, through many dissimilar means; some states, clearly, are more able having extra means than others. Determining how best to wield powers of state and next to who to exert power is one of the main creeds of safety policy. Leaders of states have to decide what are the wellbeing of the state vis-à-vis the people it represents and take into thought intimidation the state faces. With the safety of the state, and hopefully more so the security of the people, being supreme, a short review of the types of intimidation confronting nation-states seems rather appropriate.

Threats to nation-states will the majority likely come from one or more of three types: internal (locally disaffected persons), outside (hostile neighbors) or asymmetric (Weapon of Mass Destructions, Cyber/Infrastructure attacks, Drug traffickers, ultra-criminals, and terrorists). Threats Bangladesh is probable to countenance over the coming decades fit within this build. Notable are: propagation of drugs and arms, enlargement of prearranged crime, disillusioned minorities (ethnic and religious) resultant in rebellion, foreign cleverness services using Bangladesh to their benefit, insurgents from adjacent north-east India attempting to hide-out, and the rise of spiritual fundamentalism attempting to win authority through rebellion. Arrayed next to Bangladesh are healthy threats that should anxiety its leaders. Leaders should think how these threats are more or less probable to arise, and how to battle or, even better; stop this intimidation from becoming instant dangers.
One main cause of anxiety currently being focused on all through the world is the view that globalization is a safety threat to the condition and permits the propagation of the intimidation affirmed above. It seems easy to just fling the woes of the earth, all the safety concerns at the feet of a newly artificial word--globalization. “At times, it reach a level anywhere all the ills of the country, including contamination and deforestation, even alternative bashing and the auction of gas, are explained by handle pointing at the military of globalization.” Essential to being clever to blame this new word would be a tacit sympathetic of what is destined by it.

Bangladesh as a rising country is not resistant to the challenges of globalization. In the age of globalization, she is confronted with intimidation emanating from both outside and interior sources. Under the crash of globalization, growth and economic safety insight in Bangladesh has undergone some audible changes over the past few years. Bangladesh faces very important challenges in terms of environmental honesty, monetary stability, individuality and communal unity from national, local and global levels. The country needs to defend her socio-economic, following and ecological wellbeing to face the challenges in the era of globalization. There is a convincing need to widen the scope for wealth through the formation of a contemporary and efficient economy. The challenge previous to the country is how to reach this goal in an surroundings where major economic decisions moving nationwide life are often resolute by the global market.
Economic globalization is a procedure of rapid financial addition flanked by countries that is ambitious by the rising liberalization of global trade and overseas direct asset. Liberalization of the economy in Bangladesh seemed an predictable measure to meet the economic challenges of globalization. Whether it has resulting payback for the country or not leftovers a point to be analyzed